API query operation.
- class rayvision_api.operators.query.Query(connect)¶
API query operation.
- all_frame_status()¶
Get the overview of task rendering frame.
- 返回:
- Frames status info.
- e.g.:
- {
"executingFramesTotal": 1, "doneFramesTotal": 308, "failedFramesTotal": 2, "waitingFramesTotal": 153, "totalFrames": 577
- 返回类型:
- error_detail(code, language='0')¶
Get analysis error code.
- 参数:
- 返回:
- Detailed list of error messages.
- e.g.:
- [
- {
"id": 5, "code": "15000", "type": 1, "languageFlag": 0, "desDescriptionCn": "启动 3ds max 卡住或者失败", "desSolutionCn": "1.检查启用对应版本的 3ds max
是否有特殊弹窗,有的话手动关闭;n2.检查操作系 统是否设置了高级别的权限",
- "solutionPath": "
"isRepair": 0, "isDelete": 1, "isOpen": 1, "lastModifyAdmin": "", "updateTime": 1534387709000
- 返回类型:
- get_frame_thumbnall(frame_id, frame_status=4)¶
Load thumbnail.
- get_raysync_user_key()¶
Get the user rendering environment configuration.
- 返回:
- User login raysync information.
- Example:
- {
'raySyncUserKey': '8ccb94d67c1e4c17fd0691c02ab7f753cea64e3d', 'userName': 'test', 'platform': 2,
- 返回类型:
- get_task_list(page_num=1, page_size=2, status_list=None, search_keyword=None, start_time=None, end_time=None)¶
Get task list.
An old to the new row, the old one.
- 参数:
page_num (int) -- Required value, current page.
page_size (int) -- Required value, numbers displayed per page.
status_list (list<int>) -- status code list,query the status of the task in the list.
search_keyword (string) -- Optional, scenario name or job ID.
start_time (string) -- Optional, search limit for start time.
end_time (string) -- Optional, search limit for end time.
- 返回:
- Task info, please see the documentation for details.
- e.g.:
- {
"pageCount": 32, "pageNum": 1, "total": 32, "size": 1, "items": [
- {
"sceneName": "衣帽间.max", "id": 18278, "taskAlias": "P18278", "taskStatus": 0, "statusText": "render_task_status_0", "preTaskStatus": 25, "preStatusText": "render_task_status_25", "totalFrames": 0, "abortFrames": null, "executingFrames": null,
- 返回类型:
- get_task_processing_img(task_id, frame_type=None)¶
Get the task progress diagram,currently only Max software is supported.
- 参数:
- Returns: Task progress diagram information
- dict:
- Example:
- {
"block":16, "currentTaskType":"Render", "grabInfo":[
- [
- {
"couponFee":"0.00", "frameIndex":"0", "renderInfo":"", "frameBlock":"1", "frameEst":"0", "grabUrl":"/mnt/output/d20/small_pic/10001500/10001834/389406/Render_2018110900083_0_frame_0[_]block_0[_]_STP00000_Renderbus_0000[-]tga.jpg", "feeAmount":"0.20", "frameUsed":"66", "frameStatus":"4", "framePercent":"100", "isMaxPrice":"0", "startTime":"2018-11-09 18:28:26", "endTime":"2018-11-09 18:29:32"
], "height":1500, "sceneName":"com_589250.max-Camera007", "startTime":"2018-11-09 18:27:40", "width":2000
- get_transfer_server_msg()¶
Get the user rendering environment configuration.
- 返回:
- Connect raysync information.
- Example:
- {
- 'raysyncTransfer': {
'port': 2542, 'proxyIp': 'render.raysync.cn', 'proxyPort': 32011, 'serverIp': '', 'serverPort': 2121, 'sslPort': 2543
- 返回类型:
- platforms()¶
Get platforms.
- 返回:
- Platforms info.
- e.g.:
- [
- {
"platform": 2, "name": "query_platform_w2"
- 返回类型:
- restart_failed_frames(task_param_list)¶
Re-submit the failed frame.
- restart_frame(task_id, select_all, ids_list=None)¶
Re-submit the specified frame.
- supported_plugin(name)¶
Get supported rendering software plugins.
- 参数:
name (str) --
The name of the DCC. e.g.:
maya, houdini
- 返回:
- Plugin info.
- e.g.:
- {
- "cgPlugin": [
- {
"cvId": 19, "pluginName": "zblur", "pluginVersions": [
- {
"pluginId": 1652, "pluginName": "zblur", "pluginVersion": "zblur 2.02.019"
], "cgVersion": [
- {
"id": 23, "cgId": 2005, "cgName": "CINEMA 4D", "cgVersion": "R19"
- 返回类型:
- supported_software()¶
Get supported rendering software.
- 返回:
- Software info.
- e.g.:
- {
"isAutoCommit": 2, "renderInfoList": [
- {
"cgId": 2000, "cgName": "Maya", "cgType": "ma;mb", "iconPath": "/img/softimage/maya.png", "isNeedProjectPath": 3, "isNeedAnalyse": 1, "isSupportLinux": 1
], "defaultCgId": 2001
- 返回类型:
- task_frames(task_id, page_num, page_size, search_keyword=None)¶
Get task rendering frame details.
- 参数:
task_id (int) -- The task ID number, which is the unique identifier of the task, required field.
page_num (int) -- Current page number.
page_size (int) -- Displayed data size per page.
search_keyword (str, optional) -- Is a string, which is queried according to the name of a multi-frame name of a machine rendering, optional.
- 返回:
- Frames info list, please see the documentation for details.
- e.g.:
- {
"pageCount": 9, "pageNum": 1, "total": 17, "size": 2, "items": [
- {
"id": 1546598, "userId": null, "framePrice": null, "feeType": null, "platform": null, "frameIndex": "0-1", "frameStatus": 4, "feeAmount": 0.44, "startTime": 1535960273000, "endTime": 1535960762000,
- 返回类型:
- task_info(task_ids_list)¶
Get task details.
- 参数:
- 返回:
- Task details.
- e.g.:
- {
"pageCount": 1, "pageNum": 1, "total": 1, "size": 100, "items": [
- {
"sceneName": "3d66.com_593362_2018.max", "id": 19084, "taskAlias": "P19084", "taskStatus": 0, "statusText": "render_task_status_0", "preTaskStatus": 25, "preStatusText": "render_task_status_25", "totalFrames": 0, "abortFrames": null, "executingFrames": null, "doneFrames": null, "failedFrames": 0, "framesRange": "0", "projectName": "", "renderConsume": null, "taskArrears": 0, "submitDate": 1535958477000, "startTime": null, "completedDate": null, "renderDuration": null, "userName": "xiaoguotu_ljian", "producer": null, "taskLevel": 60, "taskUserLevel": 0, "taskLimit": null, "taskOverTime": null, "userId": 10001520, "outputFileName": null, "munuTaskId": "", "layerParentId": 0, "cgId": 2001, "taskKeyValueVo": {
"tiles": null, "allCamera": null, "renderableCamera": null
"userAccountConsume": null
- 返回类型: