主要是检查任务信息(task_info)和上传(upload)资产信息, 不管是使用SDK的自动化分析还是用户自定义本地分析,最后得到的配置信息 都必须进行这一步的信息校验。
Check the analysis results.
Check the analysis of the task information and upload asset information.
- class rayvision_api.task.check.RayvisionCheck(task)¶
Check the analysis results.
- check_error_warn_info(language='0')¶
Check the error in the analysis scenario.
According to the status code of the analyzed error information, the API interface is called to obtain detailed error information and solutions, and the warning information is printed out, and the number of error information is recorded.
- execute(task_info, upload_info)¶
Check asset configuration information.
Check the scene for problems and filter unwanted configuration information.
- is_scene_have_error()¶
Check the scene.
Determine whether the scene has an error based on the number of serious errors.
- 抛出:
RayvisionError -- There is a problem with the scene.