VR Standalone Profile document

analyze :We analyze the information needed in the scene and save it in task.json for further analysis and processing


Store scene analysis results, rendering settings and other information


	"software_config": {
		"plugins": {},
		"cg_version": "standalone_vray5.00.05",
		"cg_name": "VR Standalone"
	"scene_info": {},
	"task_info": {
		"multi_node": "0",
		"tiles": "1",
		"edit_name": "",
		"project_id": "0",
		"job_stop_time": "86400",
		"stop_after_test": "1",
		"concurrent_tasks": "1",
		"frames_per_task": "1",
		"project_name": "",
		"time_out": "43200",
		"cg_id": "2008",
		"input_cg_file": "D:/houdini/cg_file/test2014vr_vraystandaloneaCopy.vrscene",
        "is_distribute_render": "1",
		"distribute_render_node": "3",
        "hardwareConfigId": ""


Parameter Type Is it necessary Description Example
software_config object Y environment(cg software, version and plugins, etc.) refer to software_config
task_info object Y render settings(priority frames, render range, etc.) refer to task_info
scene_info object Y analysis result(render node, output, etc.)


Parameter Type Is it necessary Description Example
cg_name string Y software "VR Standalone"
cg_version string Y software version "standalone_vray5.00.05"
plugins object N plugin{name, version} {}


Parameter Type Is it necessary Description Default Example
tiles string N tile number, 1 for single node, greater than 1 for tiles rendering(multi-nodes) "1" "1"
project_id string N project id "0"
job_stop_time string N Set the frame timeout time, will only affect the current frame, unit seconds “259200” "28800"
stop_after_test string N Whether to pause the task after the priority rendering is completed "1": Pause the task after the priority rendering is completed "2". Do not pause the task after the priority rendering is completed "2" “2”
project_name string N project name " " ""
time_out string N Time-out, task yellowing Time-out reminder, in seconds “43200” "43200"
cg_id string Y software id,
"VR Standalone": "2008"
input_cg_file string Y Render the scene path "D:/houdini/cg_file/test2014vr_vraystandaloneaCopy.vrscene"
is_distribute_render string N Whether to turn on distribution is rendering
"1": open ;
"0": Not open;
Default is not open
"0" "1"
distribute_render_node string N The number of distributed rendering nodes is controlled as far as possible to "3", "6", "9". “0” "3"
user_id string N user id
task_id string N task id
ram string N Render machine memory selection: 64 / 128 “64” "64"